exA-Arcadia JVS VS Link Board (Noir)

USD$ 201

The exA-Arcadia JVS VS Link Board for Noir cabinets provides operators with a way to link Noir cabinets for VS back to back setups or 4 player setups.

This is a replacement for the namco STD CONNECT PCB which does not support JVS linking between Noir cabinets.


Installation Details

This is a direct drop in for namco Noir (Red, Gray, Blue) cabinets. Note that this product does not work with namco blanc (DRAGON BALL ZENKAI BATTLE) cabinets.

Connect the exA-Arcadia system’s 3.5mm earphone audio to the 2 RCA connectors on this board. Audio passthrough is provided via a 3.5mm mini earphone port.

Video is not supported. For video splitting, ensure that you use a powered splitter to prevent lag and resolution issues.

Do not provide simultaneous power input to both the CN4 labelled 4 pin connector and the micro USB port.


*Note that this I/O board has not been tested with other JVS systems and is not guaranteed to work with non exA-Arcadia hardware. Any damage incurred from incorrect installation or usage is solely the responsibility of the purchaser.

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